

Hi everyone!! Waz up!?

I could'nt find any classmate on last week. so I could'nt take camera to someone. omg....

Today, I'll talk about my ''France trip'' traveled in spring vacation!

I traveled there 8 days. u know recentry, the gas is soooo expensive!!! so we needed a lot of many to travel there. But I could spend great time in there.

First of all, I took pictures so many many many and many!!! maybe, more than 1,000!!hahaha..lol So I cant explain all of that. but I introduce it as can as possible.(?)

YEAH!!!! LOOK!!! so incredible...
This is my best picture and also here is one of purpose in that travel.

Here is ''Mont-St-Michel'' (a kind of church.)

I rearlly wanted to go there!!! There's landscape, wind, atmosphere....All of in there was so nice.

''Mont-St-Michel'' means, a Mountain for Saint Michel.

If u hav a oppotunity to go to France. u MUST go there. maybe u can go there 4 hours from paris by bus.


So nice....too. here is ''Notre-dame'' church.
BTW in France ''Notre-dame'' church is not only one. they have some ''Notre-dame'' church.

When I arrived here, I felt
''What a huge!!! Big!! Tall!! Wow....''
Maybe u can feel from this picture. In this picture, u can see some people, its so small. nd in back, u can also see the entrance to this church.

anyway, here is wonderful place.

Sometimes I introduce my picture like this. if u r interested in about that, please check my blog. and please some comments!!

thanx for reading! Thanks you.




I am so SLEEPY......

Hi, everyone!! waz up!?

Oh? me? So sleepy..........I've just arrived my home and I'll sleep deep and deep from now.
Today, I had a part-time job from 10 o'clock pm. and it finished at 4 o'clock this morning. So Im really sleepy... My part-time job is staff working in live house and music reharsal studio located in machida. I like listen and playing music. so I love this job. I can listen to music at live house everyday. BUT!! work time is a little bit late so I can work only Friday and Saturday.

However I like it!!! zzz...

By the way, how about your weekend??? please tell me---!!!

next time I'll talk about a trip that traveled to FRANCE in spring vacation.

Seeya! no! Good night!!:-)