
About my blog.

Hi, nice to meet you and thanks for comming!!!

Im Masato. Mainly I'd to write about my younger brother. and also I want to write about my many many hobbies in my blog!!

Firstable, I need introduce about brother. he is 11 years-old. When I was 10 years-old, he comming to my house. His house is in outside. and he always hungry so everyday he shouted 'GIVE ME SOME FOOD!!!!' from outside. its tooo noisy for us....


I love him. He's very noisy but he's so cute. Especially he does'nt like lightning.lol!!! When lightning comming, he always shout 'Hey!! Please HELP HELP!!!' he shout.
He really hates it. maybe cause of sound lightning...

Its so interesting and cute for me. Of cource I help him everytimes. I take him to home.

In My Blog, especially I'd write about him life. of cource I has a another topics about hobbies. For example music, movie, sport, food and more!!
and I want to write serious problems happens in all over the world.
BTW, I have a problem about grammar. But I've never mind that!!!

Thanx!!! for reading!!

oh, sorry... my brother is a dog. SHIBA dog.lol.

9 件のコメント:

hitomi さんのコメント...

your blog is very interesting!
I have Shiba, too!

masahiro さんのコメント...

I'm suprised at your brother!
But Your brother is a dog,
so it eased me :)
I like your sentence!
I will check your blog.
see you again!

Wint(Fuyuko) さんのコメント...

Nice joking!
I was cheated...
I want to see some pictures of your brother!!

Marina さんのコメント...

your brother is dog!
I deceived by your sentence:)
It was very nice sentence,and it made me fun!
I'm looking forward next post.

mst さんのコメント...

Hi hitomi,


u keep a Shiba dog too?? They r so cute!

nd I want to see ur dog pictures!!



mst さんのコメント...

Hi masahiro,

U like my sentense?? u r so nice guy!!!
Thanx for ur comment, nd I'll check ur blog!!


mst さんのコメント...

Hi fuyuko,
Thanx waching and reading my blog.

I'll upload some my dog...No! some my
'BROTHER' pictures soon!!

Thanx! Bye.


mst さんのコメント...

Hi marina,

Thanx reading my blog!!
Really I was able to made u fun?
Its sounds so nice!!
nd everybody's comments made me happy too!!



dolphin さんのコメント...

Thanks for being fond of Chinese food. However my hometown is in the north of China, I think our foods is still a little different from Xiamen food. The south China's food are more delicate than the north's.